How can I sort my life out?

Do you ever find yourself thinking “How can I sort my life out?” This is often one of the reasons that clients contact me as they have reached a point where they realise they need some help in trying to find the right balance for them in their lives or home.  I have a feeling … Read more

Getting organised for Home Schooling and Working

For many people, the Pandemic and the associated Lockdowns have resulted in their first experience of working from home and for most parents, the introduction of Home Schooling. If you haven’t done it before, it can feel overwhelming on how to make it work without feeling totally frazzled.  So, here are my top tips on … Read more

Is your paperwork piling up?

Do you have paperwork hiding in drawers, stuffed in your purse/handbag and generally taking over?  You are not alone, despite doing so much online, most of us still have lots of paperwork in our homes.  Here are my top tips to tackle your paperwork.   1 – Reduce Where possible, move to electronic billing. Keep … Read more

Goodbye Christmas – top tips for packing it away

When do you pack away your Christmas things? I know traditionally we are supposed to wait until 12th night (5th Jan) but Christmas always starts early in our house – usually end of November (but this year was 12th November!) – so I am definitely ready to clear it all away ready for a New … Read more